We are a community of supporters raising the “Voice of Doctors” to introduce better safeguarding and protection of doctors in their interactions with numerous, external organisations including GMC and employers, which leads to multiple jeopardy.
We are trying to capture the experience of the doctors who are suffering in silence because of how these external organisations are dealing with them. The GMC, the body that regulates doctors, has through its practices, suppressed doctors from speaking out in their own defence. If a doctor defends himself against an allegation, the GMC labels that as ‘lack of insight’ and punishes them. Doctors are expected not to discuss their situation with others and are therefore left isolated. Doctors are expected to be courteous and regard every allegation as an opportunity to learn, even when those accusing them are aggressive and/or making allegations which are false.
The GMC gives no consideration to the impact that allegations and investigations have on doctors and expects doctors to defend themselves against allegations even if they are sick, even so sick that they cannot appear before a panel to give evidence.
Doctors are expected to be reflective even when they are being mistreated. Whilst the doctors are unable to speak out due to the regulations, those who make allegations against doctors are unregulated. The doctor’s arms are tied.
The Voice of Doctors will allow doctors to speak so that these unjust practices change.