Let your voice be heard and help bring about change.
Please sign the petition and help protect the welfare and safeguarding of all doctors by supporting the Doctor’s Charter of Rights.
Charter of Rights:
The introduction of a “Doctor’s Charter of Rights” will better protect the welfare of all doctors.
What is the “Doctor’s Charter of Rights”?
- Doctor's Charter 1 - No doctor should have their life jeopardised: The welfare of any doctor under investigation should be paramount. No doctor's life should be put at risk due to professional distress caused by reckless or malicious actions.
- Doctor's Charter 2 - No doctor should be subjected to unfair and inappropriate investigation:No doctor should be subjected to unfair, reckless, malicious or unnecessary investigations.
- Doctor's Charter 3 - No doctor should suffer discrimination in the hands of the regulator, employers or any other organisations making allegations or conducting investigation.
Our Mission:
To mitigate unnecessary professional, personal, and social harm and even loss of life to doctors through the introduction of a Doctor’s Charter of Rights.
By campaigning and providing doctors with a voice, it is our aim to bring about urgent reform of the processes and practices implemented by the regulatory body and and other agencies before, during and after a complaint/investigation into a doctor’s conduct.